Thursday, September 8, 2011

Apples, Pears, and .....oh my!

So my Mother in-law is visiting and she has been teaching me to crochet. I don't know if I will ever be a professional but, hey, I just may be able to make a banana hammock. Wait...wha?  Crocheted (that word looks so wrong) banana hammocks?!?!

So this crochet project is actually for an apple cozy. Yes, an apple cozy. Think of it as a cozy warm sweater for your poor little apple who needs a hug. Stay with me now....I'm not ADD, your brain just doesn't work as fast as mine. So this is the apple cozy project I found online.

 There are several sites but I have to give kudos to Crafty Anna since I'm able to follow her pattern and I think it's super cute. Now looking at other pattern sites I found, well, look for yourself...

Apples, Pears and...oh my!

Oh, that's not a banana hammock?  My bad...

P.S. In case you really are moving slow this morning, this was not about a bento lunch. I'll try and get to that when I stop laughing.


  1. So did you actually make this? So when does the crochet club (aka -- mom's night out to drink and be silly start???). So the purpose is to keep it warm or from getting bruised or just an easy fun pattern???? :-P

  2. That is what I'm trying to make but the picture is from the pattern site I got it from. Mine is pretty decent for being my first try with it. It's just to keep it cleaner and bruise-free. We will have together for a craft night soon!

  3. Hey, that could work for pears, nectarines and peaches too! Too bad I don't knit!
