Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Gateway Sport

You have this little baby (ok, so he was 10lbs and not so little but ya know...) and you swear to protect him from everything you can that may hurt him. You do your best for 5 years. You keep him relatively whole and unbroken and you pat yourself on the back for doing such a good job. Then, one day, your neighbor is out shooting hockey pucks with his kid and lets your son have a go at it. Dually impressed he tells your sweet baby that he's a natural. As much as you want your son to develop his own interests from his older brother you were kind of thinking maybe he'd get into erector sets instead of legos. Instead, he's decided it's ice hockey. Yup, that's what it is. Thinking that he'll get on ice skates and fall a few times and truly hate it, you go ahead and sign him up for beginning ice skating.  And then...he loves it. I mean, really, really, REALLY loves it.  So it begins....

Ice skating....the gateway sport...


  1. Oh my goodness. Well, you did want him to find his thing... think you can share early morning time with him, when of course you aren't in the opposite spectrum of water.. just cold, not frozen. :-)
