Friday, September 2, 2011

Learn To Pick Your Battles

Today is pizza day at school and the boys begged me to let them get hot lunch. It's not even "good" pizza from a restaurant but that cardboard nastiness that schools slop some tasteless tomato sauce and generic government cheese on and call it pizza. Part of me wants to scream "My food is SO much better than that!!!!!"  but then I remember what it's like to be in elementary school and how exciting it was to get that little tray and pick out my milk and then wait with anticipation for whatever slop they called lunch that day.

I relented and the sheer excitement coming from both boys did help alleviate the pure horror that they would want that over my lunches.

So, in honor of learning to pick my battles, I'm sharing one of my favorite blogs and blog posts of all time. I'm sure a number of you have seen this before but I think it bears repeating on this Friday.

Knock Knock Mother F*****

Oh, and I seriously need a 6' metal chicken. Just sayin.


  1. You caved to school pizza!! I actually will let B&S get it one day if they ask for it, but definitely putting my foot down on Xtreme Nachos and Tator Starz.

    LOVE the chicken post. That has me in tears every time!!

  2. You have no idea how much I needed that chicken blog this morning... thank you!!

  3. Now, they'll look back on their childhood lunches and remember how cool you were to pack them amazing lunches and they still got to enjoy pizza Friday!!! Good choice! :-)


  4. I loved pizza Fridays in school.
